As of 1 January 2023, the Health Insurance Act was amended so that some of the benefits under the Act were reduced or abolished. From this date onwards, most of the procedures performed by doctors, as well as laboratory and imaging tests, will no longer be covered under the Health Insurance Act. Reimbursements for physiotherapy, manual lymphatic drainage and phototherapy were also abolished.
Due to the amendments to the Health Insurance Act, the insurance fund had to apply to the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) for an amendment to its rules. Under the proposed rule change, the reimbursement of these examinations and treatments could continue as before.
The FIN-FSA has approved the proposed rule changes with retroactive effect from 1 January 2023 onwards. Examinations and treatments carried out after 1 January 2023 will therefore be reimbursed as before. The new rules of the fund can be found on the ‘About us’ page.