Information required by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) for the data subject
Updated on 15 December 2022.
ABB:n vakuutuskassa
Postal address: P.O. Box 615, 65101 VAASA
Tel: +358 50 33 41710
Business ID: 0223485-5
Ulla Viitanen
Tel: 050 33 41710
Ulla Viitanen
Tel: 050 33 41710
The purpose of the data processing is the processing and payment of additional benefits in accordance with the fund’s rules, customer service, and statistics and reporting related to the reimbursements. The data is also processed for the purpose of managing the insurance relationship, customer service, and statistics and reporting based on the insurance relationship. The basis for the processing is the activity under the Insurance Fund Act (Article 9.2 of the General Data Protection Regulation).
From the employer and payroll service provider, information on the start and end of the insured person’s employment, tax withholding information, average hourly earnings, daily wages, weekly/daily working hours, identification information on the insured person, information on the data subject’s employer and information on premium payments.
Data is only disclosed with the consent of the insured person or at the insured person’s specific request. Data may be disclosed in accordance with section 165 c of the Insurance Fund Act to committees and for scientific or historical research. Data is not transferred outside the EU or EEA.
The employees of the fund and the members of the board who process personal data are obliged to maintain secrecy and confidentiality pursuant to section 165 of the Insurance Fund Act. These people have signed confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. The designated access rights and tasks limit the rights to process personal data. The data is kept in a file that is only accessible to the fund’s employees. In a customer service situation, the insured person is identified by their personal identity code.
Documents relating to the insurance relationship are retained indefinitely. Benefit-related documents are kept in accordance with the Accounting Act for the current + 6 years or according to the purpose for which they are used. The documents are disposed of with due regard for data protection.
The data subject has the right to inspect their data, request the rectification or deletion of inaccurate data and request the transfer of their data from one system to another. The request must be made to the fund in writing. The fund will generally provide the information within one month of the request, but within three months at the latest. The insured person will be provided with data that has not been provided on the basis of any previous request. If the insured person considers that the processing of data concerning them has infringed the GDPR, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority.
Supports your ability to work and provides financial security in case of illness.
Established on 1 December 1944
Acts as an employer’s fund under the Health Insurance Act and thus manages the benefits of its insured members under the Act. These benefits include medical expenses, sickness allowances and parental allowances.
Pays additional benefits to its members in accordance with its rules.
Call charge:
8.35 cents/call + 16.69 cents/min
Customer service line
service hours:
on weekdays 9:00–11:00
and 12:00–14:00
Customer service office hours
at the KT building in Vaasa:
on weekdays 9:00–11:00 and 12:00–14:00
12:00 – 14:00
ABB:n vakuutuskassa
P.O. Box 615
65101 VAASA
Street address:
Strömbergin puistotie 6 C
65320 VAASA
Email address:
ABB:n vakuutuskassa
Website design and implementation by
ABB:n vakuutuskassalla on käytössä sähköinen Iris-asiointipalvelu
Iriksen kautta pääset hakemaan korvauksia helposti, ja hakemusten ja liitteiden lähettäminen on turvallisempaa kuin normaalia sähköpostia käyttäen (hakemusten lähettämistä ei suositella sähköpostitse).
Pääset käyttämään Iristä kun pyydät ensin lupaa liittyä Irikseen. Pyynnön voit lähettää seuraavasti:
Pyynnön jälkeen kassalle tulee hyväksymispyyntö ja tunnukset avataan. Kun tunnukset on avattu, saat sähköpostiisi viestin Iris-palvelun käyttäjätunnuksen avaamisesta (kannattaa tarkistaa myös roskaposti). Mikäli et saa viestiä vuorokauden aikana (arkipäivinä), voit käydä kokeilemassa Irikseen kirjautumista.
Mikäli olet jo ottanut Iriksen käyttöön
ABB:n vakuutuskassa uses the Iris e-service
Iris makes it easy for you to claim reimbursement, and sending claims and attachments is safer than by using normal email (we do not recommend sending claims by email).
To access Iris, you must first request permission to sign up. You can submit your request as follows:
After the request, the fund will receive a request for approval and your account will be activated. Once your Iris account has been activated, you will receive an email about the activation (also check your spam folder). If you do not receive an email within 24 hours (on weekdays), you can try logging in to Iris.
If you already have an Iris account