Reimbursement is granted for necessary expenses incurred in treating an illness.
If you have visited a pharmacy, clinic or care institution that does not have a direct reimbursement agreement with the insurance fund, you must pay the full cost of the treatment, and the service provider may not directly deduct the reimbursement under the Health Insurance Act (= Kela reimbursement) from the total.
Once the reimbursements have been paid, Iris will show you all the reimbursements paid by the insurance fund (both the additional benefit and the reimbursement under the Health Insurance Act).
If you are not a user of the Iris e-service, the insurance fund will send you a reimbursement receipt by post. You can also receive the reimbursement receipt directly to your OmaPosti at
You will also receive a separate decision through Kela’s central postal service, with details of the reimbursement under the Health Insurance Act.
Reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of sickness, pregnancy or childbirth must be claimed within six months of the date on which the payment for which reimbursement is claimed is made.
100% of the fees charged for day surgery (up to the maximum amounts under Decree 912/1992 on social and healthcare services client fees)
100% of outpatient clinic fees in public healthcare
90% of the cost of medicines, foods for special medical purposes, other similar products and base creams
the basis of reimbursement is the reference price of the medicine
medicines in the higher special reimbursement category in accordance with the Health Insurance Act
100% of the cost of laboratory tests, pathological examinations and related sampling prescribed by a doctor (up to a maximum of €3,000 per calendar year)
80% of the cost of an MRI scan (only with referral from a specialist
80% of the cost of physiotherapy and physiotherapeutic examinations prescribed by a doctor
100% of the cost of chemotherapy, haemodialysis and phototherapy (up to a maximum of €3,000 per calendar year)
the cost of support bandages, compression stockings, support braces, leg and foot supports and mouthguards up to a maximum of €101 per product (only with a doctor’s prescription for examination and treatment)
€300 towards a single pair of spectacles every three years after one year of membership
this is based on the year and not the date of purchase of the previous pair of spectacles (e.g. if you bought a pair of spectacles in 2021, the next time you can get reimbursed is in 2024)
€250 per calendar year for dental care after one year of membership
the date of treatment determines the year in which the cost of the treatment is
incurred up to €337 for prosthodontic treatment by a dentist or a specialist dental technician every five years, after five years of membership at the earliest
a funeral allowance of €1,000 for the insured person’s family if the person was a member of the fund at the time of their death
retirement allowance upon retirement in certain cases (cf. section 17 of the fund’s rules)
Medical expenses include the costs of medicines, doctor’s fees, laboratory tests, radiological examinations, physiotherapy, hospital treatment, health centre fees, outpatient clinic fees, dental care and spectacles, among others.
Pay the bill yourself first.
Send the original documents and the claim to the fund. No separate receipt is required.
When applying for a spectacle allowance, please attach the original receipt to your claim.
If you use one of the pharmacies, clinics or care institutions with which the fund has a direct reimbursement agreement, they will send their bill directly to the fund when you present your Kela card with the fund number 12705 to them and pay any copayment directly to the pharmacy or institution.
For physiotherapy or surgery or similar procedures performed at a private clinic, pay the copayment directly to the institution.
When applying for retirement allowance, contact the fund at the start of your old-age retirement.
If you fall ill and become unable to work for a period longer than the sickness allowance waiting period (the day you fall ill and the next nine working days), you may be entitled to sickness allowance. As a rule, however, you do not have to apply for the sickness allowance yourself, as your employer will apply for it on your behalf.
If you work part-time because of an illness and have a part-time contract with your employer, you may be entitled to partial sickness allowance.
Sickness allowance and partial sickness allowance are paid to the employer for the part corresponding to the employee’s sick pay. The length of the sick pay period is determined by the collective agreement.
When you are entitled to either sickness allowance or partial sickness allowance, the fund will ask you to submit a claim if necessary.
If you become entitled to parental allowance because of the birth of a child or the care of an adopted child, the fund will process your claim for parental allowance. Fill out your claim in Kela’s e-service:OmaKela e-service | Our services | Kela.
ABB:n vakuutuskassa uses the Iris e-service
Iris makes it easy for you to claim reimbursement, and sending claims and attachments is safer than by using normal email (we do not recommend sending claims by email for security reasons).
In Iris, you can also see the allowances already paid and check the annual accumulation of your dental care costs or the next possible date for claiming a spectacle allowance, for example.
Through Iris, you can claim both additional benefits from the insurance fund and reimbursements under the Health Insurance Act (Kela reimbursements).
After signing up to Iris, receipts for claims paid will no longer be sent by post. Instead, you can see all the receipts in Iris.
To access Iris, you must first request permission to sign up. You can submit your request as follows:
After the request, the fund will receive a request for approval and your account will be activated. Once your Iris account has been activated, you will receive an email about the activation (also check your spam folder). If you do not receive an email within 24 hours (on weekdays), you can try logging in to Iris without it.
You log in to Iris on the Omasairauskassa -website using your online banking credentials.
On the front page, under “Kiintiöt ja toteutuneet”, you can see the status of your dental care, massage and spectacle allowance, i.e. how much you have already claimed or when you can next claim an allowance.
The front page also shows any reimbursement paid to you. Clicking on “Näytä” next to the “Kiintiöt ja toteutuneet” heading will also show you the reimbursement data for short-term psychotherapy and dental prostheses, as well as the corresponding data for the previous year.
You can submit a new claim by clicking on ”Uusi hakemus” and then ”Lisää rivi”. Under ”Korvauslaji”, you can select the type of reimbursement you are looking to claim, e.g. ”Lääkärinpalkkio” [doctor’s fee].
For each type of reimbursement, you will find information on how the insurance fund will reimburse the costs in question. The system will guide you through the claim process and tell you which attachments are needed when applying for a specific reimbursement.
For example, when claiming reimbursement for a doctor’s fee, you need to fill out the fields”Kustannus” [cost], ”SVL summa” [amount of Kela reimbursement] if known, ”Käyntipvm” [date] ja ”Lukumäärä” [number] and attach the necessary attachments. After saving your application, you will also need to check your bank account details and, if you wish, enter any additional information regarding your application. Finally, select whether you want to submit the application (complete) or save it for later (incomplete).
Supports your ability to work and provides financial security in case of illness.
Established on 1 December 1944
Acts as an employer’s fund under the Health Insurance Act and thus manages the benefits of its insured members under the Act. These benefits include medical expenses, sickness allowances and parental allowances.
Pays additional benefits to its members in accordance with its rules.
Call charge:
8.35 cents/call + 16.69 cents/min
Customer service line
service hours:
on weekdays 9:00–11:00
and 12:00–14:00
Customer service office hours
at the KT building in Vaasa:
on weekdays 9:00–11:00 and 12:00–14:00
12:00 – 14:00
ABB:n vakuutuskassa
P.O. Box 615
65101 VAASA
Street address:
Strömbergin puistotie 6 C
65320 VAASA
Email address:
ABB:n vakuutuskassa
Website design and implementation by
ABB:n vakuutuskassalla on käytössä sähköinen Iris-asiointipalvelu
Iriksen kautta pääset hakemaan korvauksia helposti, ja hakemusten ja liitteiden lähettäminen on turvallisempaa kuin normaalia sähköpostia käyttäen (hakemusten lähettämistä ei suositella sähköpostitse).
Pääset käyttämään Iristä kun pyydät ensin lupaa liittyä Irikseen. Pyynnön voit lähettää seuraavasti:
Pyynnön jälkeen kassalle tulee hyväksymispyyntö ja tunnukset avataan. Kun tunnukset on avattu, saat sähköpostiisi viestin Iris-palvelun käyttäjätunnuksen avaamisesta (kannattaa tarkistaa myös roskaposti). Mikäli et saa viestiä vuorokauden aikana (arkipäivinä), voit käydä kokeilemassa Irikseen kirjautumista.
Mikäli olet jo ottanut Iriksen käyttöön
ABB:n vakuutuskassa uses the Iris e-service
Iris makes it easy for you to claim reimbursement, and sending claims and attachments is safer than by using normal email (we do not recommend sending claims by email).
To access Iris, you must first request permission to sign up. You can submit your request as follows:
After the request, the fund will receive a request for approval and your account will be activated. Once your Iris account has been activated, you will receive an email about the activation (also check your spam folder). If you do not receive an email within 24 hours (on weekdays), you can try logging in to Iris.
If you already have an Iris account